PCL Awarded 4 Scholarships in the MaritimeONE & TMSS Scholarship Programme 2022


This year, PCL is proud to award the MaritimeONE Scholarships to Clara Lim and Dominic Goana who are respectively pursuing their degrees in Offshore Engineering and Naval Architecture at Newcastle University with the Singapore Institute of Technology. We are also awarding two scholarships under the Tripartite Maritime Scholarship (TMSS) to Izz Ammar and Adam Azfar. Both of them are pursuing their diplomas in Marine Engineering at the Singapore Maritime Academy (SMA) of Singapore Polytechnic.

The scholarships were presented at the MaritimeONE and TMSS Scholarships event organised by Singapore Maritime Foundation (SMF) last evening. Our CEO, Mr. Hor Weng Yew who is also the Chairman of the SMF, presided over the event which was graced with the presence of the Senior Minister of State for Transport and Finance Mr. Chee Hong Tat, Chairman of Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Mr. Niam Chiang Meng and the Board members of SMF. Our CHRO Ms. Thai Kum Foon also attended in-person to celebrate the achievements of these well-deserving awardees.

Spearheaded by the Singapore Maritime Foundation and well supported by maritime partners, the MaritimeOne scholarship programme has been consistently building and growing a talent pool for Singapore’s maritime sector for the last 15 years. TMSS on the other hand is a scholarship awarded to SMA students with stellar performances to foster talents and empower them to pursue their seafaring passion and contribute to the future of the maritime industry. PCL as one of the longstanding corporate sponsors, is committed to nurturing young talents via scholarships to high-calibre tertiary and polytechnic students who have a keen interest to pursue a maritime career.

In his opening speech, SMS Chee also mentioned Capt. Hisyam, is a former scholar from PCL-sponsored Sailing An Investment for Life (SAIL) scholarship. SAIL is a premier tripartite maritime scholarship for students with exemplary results to support their pursuit of a long-term career in seafaring. Having amassed more than a decade of sailing experience, Capt. Hisyam transited into a shore-based position and is now a Marine Superintendent with PCL fleet management, managing. marine safety and environmental sustainability requirements.

Maritime is at the cusp of a paradigm shift and people play a strategic role in cementing Singapore’s position as a world-class maritime hub. Our core focus remains on talent development and continually grooming young talents during their formative years to become next-generation maritime leaders. Once again, PCL congratulates this year’s MaritimeONE & Tripartite Maritime Scholarship (TMSS) awardees and we look forward to welcoming them aboard as part of the KSL maritime family in the near future.

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